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Wednesday Sept 22

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EoT in the All-Britannia Olympics (as reported by Flint Fireforge and Blackmore)

Yes! All britannia has summoned up all the regional forces for the competition! Read here what EoT had to do with it:
Updated! I received more pics from the Olympics (Blackmore's Story)!

Hail all !
I have been going to the Olympics as of late to see how Britania fared vs. each other. Who has the best city.
I was at the first event Sat May 1stand let me tell you. The stories were colorful and exciting. There were tales of joy and sorrow, of glory and shame and also of truth and lie. There was little incident from the crowd except for a few spammers and one poor sport. He decided to summon deamons for the rest of the evening to interupt the festivities. Haha there must have been 10 Master mages or better there to dispel but he kept trying.

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Another Picture from Blackmore

The next night was the melee contest. Max Carnage was there to test his metal. He surveyed the competition. Many swordsmen and one maceman and a few fencers too. He checked the anatomy of the fencers and decided MGP Hit Squad was the biggest competion. He boasted a 98 anatomy. We both made it to the final four with another fencer and the maceman.
Max was pitted against the Hit Squad. Both fought valiently and Max maintained the battle the whole fight thru till near the end when he missed a few times in a row. Hit Squad began a comeback. The lag set in and when it had cleared Max was on his last leg. He finally fell with Hit Squad at about 5 life. Close battle! The other 2 fought and the maceman won. Finally, the championship fight. MGP rapidly cut the maceman down to size and had him beat with great ease. The battle was over and MGP the victor.
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The Melee Competition

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The Melee Ends!

The next event I saw was the horse race. Along with Flint we surveyed the scene. We discussed the fact that lag would be a big problem here. I decided I would thin the masses and kill half of them hehe. (why I am in war mode in the pict) I woke up from my disillusion and realized it would be futile. We didnt stay for the whole race. Many spectators interferred by blocking the course with walls or they just sat in the middle of the road. Claiming we were lagging their city.
Finally last night was the smithing contest and paladins battle. The smithing contest was delayed for 2 hours due to organizers not being organized hehe. When it did begin it went pretty fast. Only GM smiths had a chance here. The goal was to make as many male chest plates with 100 ingots. After everyone was snooped the contest began. Several of the competitors made 3 chests but only Brock made an exceptional one with his other two normal chests
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The Smithing Event

Noone made 4 chests (the maximum possible with 100 ingots) Flint did not have the luck of the gods on his side. He did make 3 chests but all were normal ones. Due to the fact that the other events took so long the paladins battle was postponed.
I will update this story as it continues and please try to make an appearence for our city Magincia. Show some support and wear black and chant LUM LUM LUM.


And now, here's Flint's Story:

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Here is a picture of the Horse Race Event

This is the gathering of people for the Horse Race part of the Olympics in
Minoc.  As most of you who have been to minoc know how sluggish the World seems.   I
bet even an infant could have won that race with as much lag as was there

The same night at the Horse Race, Blackmore got a really big head and
decided that he could beat a raging stampeed.  Needless to say, we never
found out who would have won that one!
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Blackmore about to get Stamped!

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Some of the great ones that showed up to see the Olympics in Moonglow

If all of this seems fun, dont forget to assist to the events! View the event schedule at the Town Crier's Event Schedule.  View the Olympic's results at the Chesapeake News section of the UO Stratics website.
If you are planning to attend, speak up, no need to go alone!

Flint Fireforge

Edited by Phantom Lord

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