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Wednesday Sept 22

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The Story of Max Carnage (as told by Blackmore)

This is the story of the life and times of the toughest fencer ya ever met. His name is Max Carnage and he was always facinated by the shine of a fine blade. Its keen edge. How when a properly sharpened blade would slice through flesh like a knife in butter.
I shall begin this tale with the first time I met him. I was at a local tavern in Minoc quenching my thirst with a stout ale, when in walked a ragged boy with flaming red hair and a burning in his eyes like Ive never seen. I instictivly clutched my purse as he neared me and to my surprize he angrily confronted my actions. He insisted I was insulting him and challenged me to duel! Now at this time I was a Grandmaster Warrior as well as Swordsman. I was easily 15 years his senior and obviously had battle experience he could only imagine, but I could not allow this boy to challenge me without teaching him a thing or two.
We stepped outside and drew our weapons. I with my trusty halberd he with a fancy looking wavy sword. The likes of which I didnt recognize. (I know now it was a kyrss) With the speed of an Avenger he struck me ! And just as I was readying myself for a blow he was again on me slicing and piercing then back out. I hadnt hit him once yet and he has me seriously wounded. As I down a Great heal a smirk of victory crosses his face and he charges again. This time I parry his blow and he feels the sting of the halberd of force I am carrying. Down to half fast, then to 1/4 just as I think I have him I notice his life jump back to half and in a few more moments its back to full ! Wow he is a healer also. We continue the battle until I finally conceed victory to him. I ran out of heals hehe.
I invited him to join me inside for a drink. We quickly became friends and now he is the one I most trust in affairs of the sword (or fencing)
I rarely ever see him anymore in public but when we do The battle begins again !!!


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